New in Gmail Lab. You can now search the web just right in your Gmail and you can add the search result into your email and chat. … [Read more...]
PHP: How to Protect Password in Database – Password Hashing
If you are a programmer, you may have developed applications that store users or your customers' information in database. How to store users' or customers' sensitive data (especially password) might be an issues for most programmer. How do you ensure and convience that your users or customers' password are actually secured? … [Read more...]
PHP: Format integer into number of decimal places
Previous I have written an article about formating interger into number of decimal places in Java. The main reason to store money value in integer in to prevent loss in precision. For example the actual value for 12.33 in float could be 12.3333333333...; while 1233 in integer is always 1233. Today I will be showing you the same code but in PHP language. I know you can do the … [Read more...]
PHP: session_start() – No such file or directory error
Have you encountered the following PHP error (or something similar) before in your Windows Vista? Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\php\session\sess_ficdel21e6lupsojqdk62ofts5, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in C:\webapp\folder\index.php on line 24 The solution to the above error is really simple. … [Read more...]
How to Request Reconsideration for Inclusion in Google Search Results
When a site's traffic from Google search engine dropped significantly or new site with a new domain has no traffic at all from Google search engine, you can expect that your site is no longer appear in Google's search results. … [Read more...]