Google Chromium OS or Chrome OS is an open source project created by Google that aims to build an operating system that provide fast, simple and more secure computing experience. The new OS is target for people who spend most of their time on the web.
The following videos explain in detailed what Chrome OS is:
What is Google Chrome OS?
Chrome OS Security
Chromium OS & Open Source
Chromium OS Fast Boot
The basic architecture of Google Chromium OS is pretty simple. Instead of loading all the stuffs by ordinary operating systems (like drivers, detecting hardware, kernel and etc.), the computer that runs Chromium OS directly load the necessary softwares (in this case, the Chrome browser and other multimedia stuffs) and does not need to load other inessential stuffs.
It is pretty interesting to go through how why Google builds up the Chromium OS. Although the project is still in very early stage, you can get involve in the project or to download the source code to have a test run. You can join them at the Chromium Projects website for Chromium OS.
Chrome OS will be available for consumers around end of next year. If you can’t wait for the final release of Chrome OS, you can download Chrome OS VMWare/VirtualBox image and run it as virtual machine on top of your current operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux).
Download it at your own risk because it is still in early development stage. However it should not have much risk since everything will be running in a virtual enviroment.
Stay updated with Google Chromium by visiting The Google Official Blog and The Chromium Projects website.
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